La revista Alba des de Londres té l'honor de convidar a tots els seus lectors, i a tothom qui vulgui a gaudir d'una poesia extraordinària.
Un cartell confegit amb Poesia Majúscula i format per els poetes i les poetes que presento a continuació.
L'acte tindrà lloc el 16 de Desembre
des de fins a les 9 p.m.On ?
Room 624 in Birkbeck main building, University of London
Malet Street, Bloomsbury
London WC1E 7HX
Amy De’Ath
Amy De’Ath va nèixer a Sulfolk, England in 1985. She studied at the University of East Anglia, UK, and in Philadelphia, US, before moving to Australia and then London. Her publications include Erec & Enide (Salt, 2010), and Andromeda / The World Works for Me (Crater Press, 2010). She has a new chapbook, Caribou, due out soon in the UK from Bad Press, and her work is featured in a number of UK anthologies published this year. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Open Letter: a Canadian Journal of Writing and Theory, QUID, Jacket2, Esque, onedit, and Vlak magazine. For three years she lived and worked in London, where she was recently Poet-in-Residence at the University of Surrey. She now lives in Vancouver, where she is beginning her PhD on contemporary poetry and theory at Simon Fraser University.
Noèlia Díaz Vicedo
Noèlia Diaz Vicedo es escritora, traductora e investigadora. Nació en Agost (Alacant), España en 1977. Acaba de terminar su doctorado en Queen Mary, University of London sobre la poesía de Maria-Mercè Marçal. Combina las clases en esta universidad con la investigación de la poesía contemporánea de mujeres en lengua castellana y catalana. Ha publicado Maria-Mercè Marçal: An Exploration of Feminine Poetics in the Works of a Late 20th Century Catalan Poet (Cuadernos de Trabajos de Investigación, Universidad de Alicante, 2004) y diversos artículos sobre escritura y mujer. Colabora con el Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women’s Writing at the Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies, University of London. Carlos Fernández López Carlos Fernández López es Master of Arts in Comparative Literature (UCL). Ha sido premiado en el XII Certamen de poesía de los Colegios Mayores de Madrid, el XXIV Premio de Poesía Isabel de España y La voz + joven 2007. En los últimos años ha tomado parte en proyectos interdisciplinares en los que su poesía dialoga con la música —vitral de voz (Madrid, 2004)— la danza —i(u)ter (Mallorca, 2006)— y la performance —ERICA (Dresde, 2008)— y desarrollado una intensa actividad investigadora, recogida en César Vallejo: textos rescatados (2009). Acaba de publicar Vitral de voz, (DVD Ediciones), su primer libro de poemas. Pueden encontrar la obra de Carlos en: Aurèlia Lassaque Born in 1983, Aurélia Lassaque is a poet in both the French and Occitan languages. She is keenly interested in the relationship between poetry and the visual arts and has collaborated with a number of artists, including Julie Baugnet, an American painter and academic (shows in the US in 2009 and in Italy in 2010), Adriana Civitarese, Jaumes Privat, Robert Lobet and Véronique Agostini. Her poems have been translated into Catalan, Italian, English, Albanian and Arabic, and have been published in various magazines and anthologies. In 2010 she was responsible for the artistic direction of the Festival of European and Mediterranean Minority Literatures (organized in Italy). In 2011 she is in charge of the exhibition « Dialogue entre cultures et langues », to be held at the Conseil de l’Europe. Aurélia Lassaque is also working on a PhD thesis about baroque Occitan drama. Publications Cinquena Sason (Letras d’oc, 2006), Ombras de Luna − Ombres de Lune (Éditions de la Margeride, 1st 2009, 2nd 2010), E t’entornes pas − Et ne te retourne pas, (Éditions de la Margeride, 2010), Lo sòmi d’Euridícia – le rêve d’Eurydice, (Éditions les Aresquiers, février 2011) ; Lo sòmi d’Orfèu – le rêve d’Orphée (Éditions les Aresquiers, juillet 2011) ; Solstici lo bram de Janus – Solstice, le brame de Janus (to be published by Éditions Jacques Brémond, Autumn 2011). Richard Parker Richard Parker was born in 1978 and had his D.Phil. conferred upon him in the summer of 2010 for a dissertation on the work of Louis Zukofsky and Ezra Pound. He’s also published books of poetry, including China and from The Mountain of California… in the summer of 2010. He’s the editor and printer of the Crater pamphlet series, which is available at William Rowe William Rowe is a Professor at Birbeck, University of London. He is the author of several books on Latin American literature and culture, including: Ensayos vallejianos (Lima, Latinoamericana Editores, 2006) and Cesar Vallejo: El acto y la palabra (Lima: Fondo Editorial del Congreso del Peru, 2010). William’s book on Spanish American poetry since 1950 was published in 2000 by Oxford University Press. He is a founding editor of the Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies: Travesia and remains on its advisory board. He is a specialist in 20c poetry and poetics in Latin America, the USA and Britain, and has published widely, read and broadcast translations of Latin American poetry. |
M'agrada molt l'estètica del teu blog. La imatge de la capçalera és torbadora en el sentit més positiu del mot.
Gràcies Jeremies! jo també vaig llegint Nuesa de tant en tant, gràcies per l'empremta.
ResponEliminaUna abraçada.